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Figs in white chocolate and balsamic vinegar

figs in white chocolate cream

figs in white chocolate cream


Tu B’Av, which started as a national matchmaking day in the times of the second temple, has turned into a Valentine’s Day-style holiday in modern-day Israel, red satin hearts, chocolate and all.

Back in ancient Israel, before chocolate became synonymous with passion, there were figs, pomegranates and dates. Some claim that these help increase one’s sex drive, which may or may not be true; however, all three are among the seven species of the Land of Israel. What better way to celebrate this year’s Day of Love, Tu B’Av – the 15th of the Jewish month of Av – than with the same sweet fruit our ancestors enjoyed?

Figs, alongside watermelons, dominate Israel’s summer markets. They’re plump and juicy and so sweet it’s hard to stop even after the tenth one. Unfortunately, figs sold in American stores and markets are much more expensive, not always sweet, and sometimes hard to find. Even so, if you want to treat yourself and your loved ones, there’s no better way than with these beauties.

Figs in white chocolate and balsamic vinegar

Recipe by Vered GuttmanCourse: DessertsCuisine: IsraeliDifficulty: Easy


Prep time



Drizzling balsamic vinegar over fruit, such as strawberries or figs, is one of the best joys of life. But the quality of the vinegar is crucial for it to be really tasty. Buy an aged balsamic vinegar, 15-25 years old, as the longer they’re aged the better they taste. It may get expensive, but it lasts for a while and the difference in taste is night and day.


  • 1 cup (6 oz.) white chocolate chips

  • ½ cup Greek yogurt (or even better, make it labneh)

  • 1 cup whipping cream

  • 1 tablespoon orange or lemon zest

  • Pinch ground cardamom

  • 8 figs

  • 2 tablespoons toasted pistachio, chopped

  • 4-6 teaspoons balsamic vinegar (see note above)


  • Melt white chocolate in Bain Marie or in short intervals in the microwave, then mix into yogurt.
  • Whip whipping cream in a stand mixer fitted with balloon whisk until soft peaks form. Fold in chocolate-yogurt mixture, zest and cardamom. Divide mousse between 4 cups. You can make the mousse a day in advance.
  • Slice figs in half, sprinkle with pistachio and drizzle with balsamic vinegar. Serve immediately.

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