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Recipes for Jewish and Israeli holidays

Persian rice with green fava bean
Grains & Legumes, Kitniyot (legume), Passover, Sephardi, Shabbat, Vegetables

Rice with fava bean and herb

Fresh fava beans are in season in spring, and so it is no surprise that it became part of the […]

Maakouda with carrot and pea
Kitniyot (legume), Kitniyot (legume) free, Moroccan, Passover, Pastries & Breads, Vegetables

Moroccan potato and carrot pie (Maakouda)

Maakouda is a Moroccan potato pie, served either in slices or as individual fritters. Moroccan Jews adapted it as a […]

Ashkenazi brisket
Ashkenazi, Kitniyot (legume) free, Main course, Passover, Rosh Hashanah, Shabbat

Braised brisket with root vegetables & prunes

Ashkenazi Jews specialize in making the best out of cheap cuts of beef (tongue, anyone?) and brisket is the most […]