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Ashkenazi, Feature story, Hungarian, Purim

Poppy seeds forever

My husband heard this story many times as a child: When my father-in-law was about 12 years old, he and […]

Rolled cookies Kinder chocolate 2
Cakes and cookies, food in Israel, Israeli, Purim, Shabbat

Israeli Kinder chocolate and Nutella rolled cookies

After high school, Israeli kids go on to fulfill their compulsory military service for two to three years. For their […]

Ghuvech ghivech givech giveci ghiveci Bulgarian Romania polenta
Bulgarian, Main course, Romanian, Shabbat, Vegetables

Bulgarian / Romanian rustic vegetable stew (guvech)

Looking for a Shabbat dinner centerpiece or a hearty midweek meal? Picture cubes of eggplant, zucchini, bell peppers, tomatoes and […]