Yes, we need to plan what to eat even when we fast. For many, Jewish holidays are about food. Even […]
Pickled stuffed eggplant
Pickling small stuffed eggplants is a method that spreads from Syria, to turkey, Bukhara and more. Some variations use salted […]
Food and Death: A Look at the Tasty and Tearful Tradition of Jewish Mourning
For American Jews, bagel platters may be the most common food served after a funeral or during the shivah (the […]
Bulgarian pastelikos with feta
Pastelikos are a type of borek, filled pastries that originate from the Ottoman Empire and have been popular ever since […]
Seven heavens challah for Shavuot
Not as glorious as Rosh Hashanah, not as holy as Yom Kippur, and lacking that perfect timing of Passover, right […]
Mina de carne, Sephardi meat and matzo pie
Mina is a Jewish Sephardi Passover pie made with matzo crust. There are many variations of minas throughout the Sephardi […]
Mina de kezo, Sephardi matzo & cheese pie
Mina is a Passover pie from the Sephardi cuisine, made with layers of matzo and filling. The most traditional minas […]
Bumuelos, Sephardi matzo and cheese Patties
Bumuelos, or burmuleos, are fritters from the Sephardi cuisine, from Turkey and the Balkan, that are likely to be originated […]
Sephardi fish in lemon and egg sauce (Pescado con limon y huevo)
Pescado con lemon y huevo is a Sephardi fish in lemon-egg sauce, that is served year round, but is great […]
Sephardi Fritada de patata e kalavasa (Zucchini and potato frittata)
Kashkaval is a hard cheese from the Balkan. It’s available at Eastern European supermarkets.