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Uri shofar
Ashkenazi, Feature story, Israeli, Sephardi, Yom Kippur

What our grandmothers said we should eat before and after the fast

Yes, we need to plan what to eat even when we fast. For many, Jewish holidays are about food. Even […]

Mejadra lentil and bulgar
Ashkenazi, Feature story, Iraqi, Israeli, Moroccan, Sephardi, Tisha B'Av

Food and Death: A Look at the Tasty and Tearful Tradition of Jewish Mourning

For American Jews, bagel platters may be the most common food served after a funeral or during the shivah (the […]

pastelikos with feta
Appetizers, Balkan, Breakfast, Bulgarian, Pastries & Breads, Sephardi, Shavuot

Bulgarian pastelikos with feta

Pastelikos are a type of borek, filled pastries that originate from the Ottoman Empire and have been popular ever since […]

mina de carne Passover meat pie
Kitniyot (legume) free, Passover, Pastries & Breads, Sephardi

Mina de carne, Sephardi meat and matzo pie

Mina is a Jewish Sephardi Passover pie made with matzo crust. There are many variations of minas throughout the Sephardi […]

Mina de kezo, Sephardi matzo & cheese pie
Kitniyot (legume) free, Passover, Pastries & Breads, Sephardi

Mina de kezo, Sephardi matzo & cheese pie

Mina is a Passover pie from the Sephardi cuisine, made with layers of matzo and filling. The most traditional minas […]

Bumuelos, Sephardi matzo and cheese Patties
Appetizers, Breakfast, Kitniyot (legume) free, Passover, Pastries & Breads, Sephardi, Turkish

Bumuelos, Sephardi matzo and cheese Patties

Bumuelos, or burmuleos, are fritters from the Sephardi cuisine, from Turkey and the Balkan, that are likely to be originated […]

Kitniyot (legume) free, Main course, Passover, Rosh Hashanah, Sephardi, Shabbat, Shavuot

Sephardi fish in lemon and egg sauce (Pescado con limon y huevo)

Pescado con lemon y huevo is a Sephardi fish in lemon-egg sauce, that is served year round, but is great […]

Sephardi Fritada de patata e kalavasa
Appetizers, Breakfast, Hanukkah, Kitniyot (legume) free, Passover, Sephardi, Shabbat

Sephardi Fritada de patata e kalavasa (Zucchini and potato frittata)

 Kashkaval is a hard cheese from the Balkan. It’s available at Eastern European supermarkets.